A Family Law Firm
Serving Hamilton, Warren, and Clermont Counties LAW FIRM
Specializing in Domestic Relations and Juvenile using collaboration, settlement, and litigation
Domestic Relations
Divorce, Dissolution, Separation Agreements, Shared Parenting Plans, Child Custody, Spousal Support, Child Support
Child Custody, Child Support, Establishment or Disestablishment of Paternity, Delinquincy, 20/20 involvement, Guardianship, Guardian ad Litem appointments, Visitation
Abuse, Neglect and Dependency
Job and Family Services Involvement, Safety Plans, Custody of a child(ren) with HCJFS involvement, Fosterparents, Kinship Placements
Estate Planning
Wills, Trusts, Medical Power of Attorney, General Power of Attorney
Dispute Resolution
Settlement, Mediation, Certified Collaborative Practice, Early Neutral Evaluations, Agreed Entries
Contempt, Stepparent adoptions, LGBT Issues, Probate, Civil Protection Orders, Companionship/Grandparent Rights, Foreign Decrees, Volunteer Lawyers Project, Guardian ad Litem, Parenting Coordinators, Appeals, Objections

Family law matters are emotional and complex. Our firm provides the best legal counsel to those who need professional guidance during a highly sensitive time.
Alex van der Zee, Esq. exclusively practices family law in Hamilton County and surrounding counties. This is a deliberate decision, so that she can bring experience and knowledge to her clients during emotional times. Alex represents parties through litigation, negotiation, collaboration, and mediation in all areas of juvenile law and domestic relations law including, but not limited to, divorce, dissolution, paternity, child custody, child support, property division, and companion rights.
Alex is a member of the Abuse, Neglect and Dependency Panel where she represents parents accused of abuse and neglect, and she is a certified Guardian ad Litem in both Delinquency Court and Dependency Court where she represents the best interest of children. Since opening her private practice she has also served as the Supervising Attorney for University of Cincinnati College of Law Domestic Violence/Civil Protection Order Clinic teaching UC Law students how to represent victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.


Alex van der Zee, Esq.
Tel: 513-378-8978

Angela Ellis